

I’m a learner and this blog is a reflection of my journey as I grow and find myself. Poetry is my sanctuary, the only place where I can be truly vulnerable and real without inhibitions, without fear.

It is here where I show the world my poetry and my story, the side of me that not many see and the parts of me that are hidden in between the lines.

My greatest fear is that I will lose myself in the process of finding myself and paradoxically my greatest desire is also is that I will be able to inspire others as I find myself.

If you’d like to get to know me better, check out my other blog



  1. But I have a lot of faith and dreams.

    My greatest fear is that I will lose myself in the process of finding myself and paradoxically my greatest desire is also is that I will be able to inspire others as I find myself.

    Stay Beautiful πŸ™‚

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